First Video

First, install PianoRay. Follow instructions in General/Installation.

Example Files

Download example performance files. This script copies the Fur Elise example recording to ~/pianoray_tutorial.

cd /tmp
git clone
cd pianoray/examples/furelise

mkdir ~/pianoray_tutorial
cp video.mp4 midi.mid audio.mp3 ~/pianoray_tutorial

The video file contains the recording of the piano. The MIDI file contains data about which notes are played. The audio file has the audio.

Create Settings

PianoRay reads settings from a JSON file. This file contains nested mappings with key: value pairs.

Save this data to ~/pianoray_tutorial/settings.json:

    "video": {
        "resolution": [1280, 720],
        "fps": 30
    "midi": {
        "file": "midi.mid"
    "audio": {
        "file": "audio.mp3",
        "start": 20.74
    "keyboard": {
        "file": "video.mp4",
        "start": 4.75,
        "crop": [[252,480], [1793,487], [1789,676], [257,666]],
        "dim_mult": 0.6,
        "dim_add": -8

Most of these settings are self explanatory.

The start settings are timestamps, in seconds, of when you press the first note in the respective media. This is necessary to apply the correct offsets.

The crop setting defines the coordinates of the keyboard in the video. These values are for the Fur Elise recording.


To start the render, run these commands in a shell:

cd ~/pianoray_tutorial
pianoray render -s settings.json -o out.mp4 -p

This starts rendering, using the provided settings file and saving to the output file. The -p flag tells PianoRay to open the output file after rendering.

Rendering may take a few minutes. If the renderer crashes, run the same command again. If it repeatedly does not work, open an issue on GitHub.