The API is exposed as a Python module, pianoray. This page contains documentation for each object. See TODO for information on how to use the API.

Property Group

class pianoray.PropertyGroup

Group of properties. Define a subclass to create your PropertyGroup. Define properties by creating annotations with :. Don’t override any methods, as instancing a PropertyGroup subclass requires the methods.

class MyProps(PropertyGroup):
    temperature: FloatProp(
        desc="Temperature to cook the food at.",

    food: StringProp(
        desc="The food to cook.",

You can set and get properties.

pgroup.temperature                # Returns the property object.
pgroup.temperature.animate(...)   # Animate. See Property docs.
pgroup.temperature = -273         # Calls pgroup.temperature.set_value()


class pianoray.Property(name: str = '', desc: str = '', animatable: bool = True, mods: Sequence[pianoray.api.modifiers.Modifier] = (), default: Optional[Any] = None)

Property base class.

set_value(value: Any)

Checks validity and sets self._value

value(frame: int, use_mods: bool = True, default: Optional[pianoray.api.accessor.Accessor] = None) Any

Returns value at frame. Uses keyframe interpolations. Converts to type. Applies modifiers.

verify(value: Any) bool

Check whether the value can be assigned to this prop, e.g. min and max.

Default implementation returns True. Override in subclass, if applicable.

class pianoray.BoolProp(name: str = '', desc: str = '', animatable: bool = True, mods: Sequence[pianoray.api.modifiers.Modifier] = (), default: Optional[Any] = None)



alias of bool

class pianoray.IntProp(min: Optional[int] = None, max: Optional[int] = None, coords: bool = False, **kwargs)

Integer. Min and max inclusive. Coords: Whether this quantity is in coords.


alias of int

verify(value: int) bool

Checks min and max.

class pianoray.FloatProp(min: Optional[float] = None, max: Optional[float] = None, coords: bool = False, **kwargs)

Float. Min and max inclusive. Coords: Whether this quantity is in coords.


alias of float

verify(value: float) bool

Checks min and max.

class pianoray.StrProp(min_len: Optional[int] = None, max_len: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs)

String. Min and max inclusive.


alias of str

verify(value: str) bool

Checks length min and max.

class pianoray.PathProp(isfile: bool = False, isdir: bool = False, **kwargs)

Path property. Can verify if a path exists.

verify(value: str) bool

Checks path isfile and isdir, if respective attributes are True.

class pianoray.ArrayProp(shape: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None, **kwargs)

Numpy array property.

verify(value: numpy.ndarray) bool

Checks shape.

class pianoray.RGBProp(**kwargs)

RGB color property, 0 to 255.